I’ve uploaded an updated, bug-fixed BZDB definition for the Open Beta. Be sure to run “UpdateBZDB.cmd” if you’re testing the open beta, to get the update. Future updates will be distributed in this way, which is ideal since the total change in size is no more than a few KB. Once documentation has been written up, and a few other bells and whistles, I’ll be releasing a new beta - expect that within 1-2 weeks.
After which, version 6 will be going gold within the next month. Version 7 is in the early stages of development, mostly just planning and various tests related to building a Windows PE environment easily for the end user.
Once the current development cycle is completed, BootZilla will finally be future-compatible, in that it will no longer depend on a ‘working’ windows install, and will be usable on a broken installation of Windows, thanks to bootable Windows PE. This has been planned for literally YEARS at this point, and requested more than enough times to count. Version 6 will be the final ‘just a bunch of tools’ release. If there’s enough requests for it, however, I will continue to develop a lighter version that is just the toolset and not the Windows PE bits.
Leave a comment, let me know if you want to see a version 7 without Windows PE functionality. It’s crucial that I have an idea as to how to proceed after version 6′s finalization.