November 24th, 2008
This is a page that is dedicated to any comments from users of BootZilla.
No racist comments. Spam will not be tolerated. Foul-language IS allowed.
Comments will be moderated, and scanned for any malicious code/url’s before approval.
Registration is required to post a comment.
This looks like an interesting project, there are so many support disc`s full of un-needed stuff,even my own, lol.
Looking forward to testing this out, thanks for your hard work.
May I present a few comments on your web-site?
1. where/how do I register?
2. the Donate button/link does nothing
3. I love the sense of humour behind the name CGT!!!
4. I am going to love this web-site and BootZilla, I’m sure.
Please e-mail me!
1. There SHOULD be a “Meta” section on the frontpage. If not, there’s something wrong, and I’ll get to it.
2. Fixed. I had no idea this was broken (!)
3. The person that named CGT is currently working on his own games @ OneHeadedLlama
4. Enjoy! I’ll be working hard on getting this all going properly. BootZilla v5.1 RC-1 is out today!
THis is a great thing you have done. I used it once and was impressed with the tools and what I think is ease of use. Definitely worth donating to the cause!!!
the zip file is corrupt when i try to extract keeps saying unknown compression.
please fix
I have downloaded BootZilla v5.1, and it seemed corrupted, so I downloaded it again - same result. Tried a third time - still the same. When I try to extract the files (I use WinRAR 3.80) I get ‘Diagnostic messages’ saying ‘Unknown method in ….’ What’s wrong??
OK, I just tried it with WinZip 12, and it works. I think a lot of people will stumble on that one! Not everybody uses WinZip.
Strange. I use 7zip to compress files, and I was sure I left it on default settings for compatibility purposes. I’ll take a look and probably re-release the file.
I was finally able to uzip it right, I just has to download 7z465.exe
I was able to unzip it right, before I had the same trouble as some did here.
Thanks for the program!
PC-decrapifier is useful
From Spain